Monday, July 12, 2010

See tHings diFferEntly

as a person grows old, he/she must evolve to someone who thinks maturely and sincerely... he/she disinter to the extend that everything lies on the table... nothing to hide and nothing to fear... seeing things differently learned through time and experience... if these situations give you something to learn... grasp it by heart and learn by soul... everything teaches us how to be a person in real... person with knowledge and courage about life... a person that can able to move his feet even wounded and look at sky with head up high... how i wish that everyone learns things that way, about life, career, family, love and so on...continuously we can able to achieve it... with our daily life experiences... soon all of us will have it... because through that sense we can able to enjoy what life brings to us.

1 comment:

  1. HOw about? think as a child...
    a child never hide their feelings...
    when you teach them, they are eager to learn...
    when you scolded them they never get angry of you but they always say sorry once your in the right mood...
    Guardians are already there to guide them...
    Children learns also from their playmates; through playing you might observe that some of them might develop their skills to be a follower and a leader...
    but in the end I think we must undergo those developmental stages that we must have...
    NO shortcuts and no exemptions...
