Tuesday, September 7, 2010

eNough !!!

hard that you felt the blame from all of these crap?!?!? to all the things that are not set and done... why you feel the burden but not feeling mine ... how selfish are you that you can tell me the truth unconsciously but like stabbing me twice... don't say anything more so we can still have what we had... don't do more step cause it 's not worthy anymore... so useless that you have learned my importance... these cannot undo what been done... now that i am loosing my grip on one thing that left for us... maybe left for me for the man that i loved... i am letting go' like i am releasing myself from the thing that i hold on to for such a long time... how many years but don't matter on you for you always thinking about you and you... i am always listen but your heart never listen on mine... i know this is pain and i know how painful this is but hoping to embrace these pain so after this i can still know what is important... i am falling to no where but i am looking forward for my eyes to be open that i finally hit the ground and feel the moment that i finally letting you go out of my hands.


  1. Smile'''
    Just smile my friend, be strong... Look to the brighter side of our future, there will be someone that will comfort you when the most challenging works of life will come unto you... Never give up.. These things that had just happen is just the start of our long long journey... There still lots of room for us to make errors....

  2. yup... i just finally hit the ground ... and from there i will stand again and ready to face life... so true life have lots of room for us... room of success for us to enjoy what we have learned from the past and room of failure for us to know what we should have to learn to be ready in the facing the future.... =)
